The "Legendary Magic Voodoo Dolls"
are the main NFTs of the Magic Meme Money brand, they are the Tier 1 collection!

The LMVDs consist of a total of 11'111 NFTs.

Here is what you get when you buy one of the "Legendary Magic Voodoo Doll" NFTs
(surprises might be added)

1. A beautiful .PNG

2. You become an official Member of the
"Magic Voodoo CULT"

3. Entertainment
fun, hype & excitement with things like raffles, jokes, memes, free FOMO & FUD, riddles, scavenger hunts, web3 campaigns and much more

4. "The Devine Touch"
an NFT airdrop to create a baby from your Voodoo Doll
once all LMVDs are sold out

5. You buy into the belief of a grand community emerging

Here is what you do not get

A free Lambo
Eternal life
A promise for anything

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The legendary
Magic Voodoo Dolls

The OG Collection

"The OG collection" are the early adopters NFTs of the Legendary Magic Voodoo Dolls and amount to a total of 2779 pieces. They are as cheap as they can be, so you can stockpile them. Get in early to not miss out on anything! You can purchase and trade them here:

Discover the collection

The Four Tribes

The "OGs" are the first tribe which was released in March 2022, but there are three more tribes to come. The "Black Magic" tribe, the "Warriors" and the "Technocrats". Every tribe will be split in three sets (pre-sale, Set 1 and Set 2), every set will become slightly more expensive so consider when to buy which one and remember the only OGs are the "OGs"!

The Magic Voodoo CULT

This is where your benefits lie. If you own at least one LMVD of the four tribes, you become a member of the "Magic Voodoo CULT". Come join the CULT and experience a CULT ceremoney! We work just like any other CULT. With one difference, you can leave at anytime. If you leave, you didn’t fit into our CULT anyway.

Collaborations, Partnerships & Spin-Offs

We love to make babies. Babies can only be produced with partners. When we produce babies (NFT collaborations, partnerships or Spin-Offs), any of those NFTs can become a Tier 3 NFT if the community decides so.